WEDNESDAY, MAY 31ST - 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
The Second City
Donny's Skybox in Piper's Alley
230 W. North Ave., 4th Floor
Chicago IL 60610
The 26th Annual Asian American Showcase proudly presents Asian Domination: A Showcase of Asian American Talents. Featuring Chicago's up and coming AAPI artists in music, comedy and stage performances, this will be a night not to be missed! Hitting the laughs on all cylinders will be improvisation from Club Asia, Stir Friday Night, and the inaugural year of The Second City's Victor Wong Fellowship. Stand-up comics Dr. Jackie Linn and the evening's host, Sonal Aggarwal, will keep people rolling in the aisles with hilarity as the night continues. This variety show will be an action packed party with stage performers and plenty of friends from Chicago's Asian American community. Join us as we celebrate the last day of Asian American Heritage Month!
Produced by Jonald Reyes & Jonathan Lee-Rey
Former international street performer turned emcee, Sonal Aggarwal has brought her talents to Chicago as an actor, comedian, producer and movement artist. Her one woman show The Alchemy of Bliss played for a sold out weekend at Chicago’s Steppenwolf Theater and you can see her on Netflix’s Easy as well as the short A Period Piece which debuted at SXSW 2020. She is a regular host of the Moth.
“Dr. Jackie Linn” is a Filipino-American comedian born and raised in Los Angeles. Surrounded by the glamour of Hollywood, she decided to pursue entertainment in 2012 when we all thought the world was going to end. Her first performance was at The Comedy Store in the Main Room but has since been on stages such as: Flappers Comedy Club, Zanies and Laugh Factory. She now produces a weekly show called Big Break Comedy in Chicago. As a self proclaimed Doctor, Jackie has been known to "prescribe laughter as medicine.” She will have you in stitches with her punny punchlines, silly stories and quirky quips!
Stir-Friday Night! is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit theater company that was founded in 1995. Based in Chicago, Illinois, we are one of the nation’s premier Asian-American comedy troupes. Having worked with such renowned companies such as The Second City and iO (formerly known as Improv Olympic), Stir-Friday Night! has become a fixture in Chicago’s comedy scene.
KT is excited to be performing with The Asian American Showcase for the first time! Their love for music comes from their 17 years of experience as a multiple disciplinary performance artist. What she loves most about music is that it’s is expressive, collaborative and can create a sense of community. From singing burlesque, to writing for and with different Chicago based artists, KT’s goal in making music is to make genuine connections with people and create beautiful things! KT released her first solo single “Molasses”, found on iTunes and Spotify. They have an single on the way with Michael P and they are really excited to share this space with y’all!
Club Asia is a pan A Z N collective doing dope art and comedy across Chicago. Catch them at their latest show, Kame-HaHa-Chi, a monthly cabaret featuring all Asian talent at Kamehachi, Chicago’s oldest running sushi restaurant.
The Victor Wong Fellowship is an intensive program at The Second City that mentors & trains talented Asian / Asian American identifying artists. Through a generous endowment by Peng Zhao, CEO of Citadel Securities, and his wife, Cherry Chen, the Fellowship focuses on improvisation, sketch comedy writing, acting & musical direction. This is the inaugural year of the Victor Wong Fellowship, named after The Second City's first Asian American performer, and upon completion of the program, the Fellows shall present a showcase event in May.
This year's Fellows are:
Ali Khan, Christina Hilliard, Courtney Sullivan Wu, Harrison Hapin, Heather Mari, Huy Nguyen, Jeff King, Luke Moghimi Connell, Natasha Mirza, Nick Joe, Tanvi Kumar, Katherine Elise Plier, Yuxin Lu, Maya Tanaka Alwardt, and Joshua Chan.
The Creative Lead & showcase Director is
Jonald Reyes.