"I'm an illustrator, designer, and egg-lover based in SF and Oakland.
Born in Taipei and raised in Shanghai, I eventually made my way to New York to study Graphic Design at SVA. I recently moved to the Bay Area in search of the sun and new adventures."
- Jocelyn Tsaih (artist website bio)
Image courtesy of artist.
Tsaih is one of the participating artists for the ON/OFF Grid art exhibition (April 6 - June 3) at the Gene Siskel Film Center in conjunction with the FAAIM 23rd Annual Asian American Showcase, 2018. We asked her a few questions about her work and artistic practice!
Does your identity or personal story inform your work? Who/what inspires you?
Yes definitely. A lot of my work reflects certain thoughts and emotions that derive from my personal experiences and observations. I am Taiwanese-American but I grew up in Shanghai while being part of a Western community. I think this experience really forced me to understand the dichotomies of my surroundings. My upbringing was a source of inevitable inner conflicts, as I'm sure it is with most Asian-Americans. Visualizing how such contrasts can eventually create a balance is something that I strive to achieve through my work. I tend to spend a lot of time (maybe too much) mulling over how to illustrate these reflections in a simple way. I really look up to people that have the ability to do this intuitively through their work.
Image courtesy of artist.
Image courtesy of artist.
How do you think digital formats impact your field and your audience?
I work digitally a lot because it’s streamlined and efficient. Sometimes I think that the efficiency adds value to my thought process and the final product of my work, but sometimes I think it’s the other way around. Either way, I enjoy having the option of creating work digitally. Possibilities are endless and it’s fun to explore new techniques. I also appreciate being able to share my work faster to more people at once.
Image courtesy of artist.
What are you working on right now?
Ironically, I am trying to work on more paintings right now. Because I’ve been working so much digitally, I’m consciously pushing myself to do more hands-on work so that I can feel mentally balanced. As much as I love working digitally and what comes with it, I think it’s important to have that balance!
"One" by Jocelyn Tsaih. Image courtesy of artist.
See more of Jocelyn Tsaih's work on www.jocelyntsaih.com // Instagram @jocelyntsaih // Join us at the ON/OFF Grid art exhibition running Friday, April 6, 2018 - June 3, 2018.