Eileen Tjan is an award-winning art director and multi-disciplinary graphic designer. Based in Chicago, her studio practice OTHER bridges international aesthetics to deliver progressive design and branding services.
Eileen is one of the artists in the Journey-scapes art exhibition at the Gene Siskel in conjunction with the FAAIM 21st Annual Asian American Showcase April 1st through 14th, 2016. We asked her a few questions about her work and artistic journey!
What/Who inspires you?
Eileen Tjan: My peers inspire me. When you surround yourself with passionate and talented people, you find yourself wanting to support them whole heartedly. It's a very positive experience. When I was younger I was driven by feeling competitive. Now, I just am so proud of the work my friends are doing that I want to do the best I can do too.
Self portrait series, images courtesy of the artist.
What are you working on right now?
Eileen Tjan: There are some fun branding projects in the studio right now, but I'm really excited to start designing the 3rd issue of Grand Circus Magazine which is a Detroit based arts and culture publication. I'm really looking forward to this issue. There's some great content and almost no boundaries for design experimentation and exploration.
Illustration, images courtesy of the artist.
How would you describe your artistic journey?
Eileen Tjan: Long and foggy. I didn't realize how unfocused and lost I was when I was younger, and even now I feel like I've only begun to recognize what I enjoy doing. But, I am looking forward to the future of my practice.
See more of Eileen Tjan’s work on her website other-studio.com // Twitter & Instagram @eileentjan // Join us at Journey-scapes art exhibition opening Friday, April 1, 2016.