"Born in 1992 at Los Angeles, California, Terry Yang earned her BFA in Illustration from the Art Center College of Design. Her paintings feature hidden figures displaying journalism, masculinity in femininity, and hidden meanings. Her figures hide human expressions; barely showing face. Only using body language mixed with environmental awareness. Inspired by Korean and Western folk, it creates subtle behaviors: trends, beliefs, and backstage problems." - Artist bio
Image courtesy of artist.
Terry Yang is a Los Angeles based illustrator. She is one of the participating artists for the Fierce Tidings art exhibition (March 31 - May 12) at the Gene Siskel Film Center in conjunction with the FAAIM 22nd Annual Asian American Showcase which runs March 31st through April 12th, 2017.
"School Zone" by Terry Yang. (Image courtesy of artist)
Page from Yang's sketchbook. (Image courtesy of artist)
Page from Yang's sketchbook. (Image courtesy of artist)
See more of Terry Yang's work on www.terryang.com // Instagram @bafiayang // Join us at the Fierce Tidings art exhibition running Friday, March 31, 2017 - May 12, 2017.