Tiffany Le is a Vietnamese-American freelance illustrator based in Southern California. She investigate themes of cultural legacy, comparative mythology and literature, and social topics through the Asian American lens.
Tiffany Le is one of the artists in the Journey-scapes art exhibition at the Gene Siskel in conjunction with the FAAIM 21st Annual Asian American Showcase April 1st through 14th, 2016. We asked her a few questions about her work and artistic journey!
What/Who inspires you?
Many things inspire me, and it's difficult to categorize--friends, family, literature, mythos, social topics, etc., but if I had to narrow it down to an overall encompassing factor, I'd call it a desire for narrative. Communication and understanding has been a driving motivator in my art, when I find words lacking to convey that.
Tragic Waters series, images courtesy of the artist.
What are you working on right now?
I'm currently working towards my thesis grad show for my MFA at CSU Long Beach. By documenting my family's stories, Tàu explores Vietnamese-American cultural history and refugee struggles through the metaphorical depiction of boat and water imagery.
Tragic Waters series, images courtesy of the artist.
How would you describe your artistic journey?
Constantly evolving--I feel that in our craft, mastery is not truly a thing, but it's something we strive towards to mean continually progressing and changing. So, it still feels like I'm bouncing around, trying new things, and collecting skill sets that work for me.
Tragic Waters series, images courtesy of the artist.
See more of Tiffany Le’s work on // Instagram @letealeaf // // Join us at Journey-scapes art exhibition opening Friday, April 1, 2016.