Waldia & Company is an art project based in the midwest and started by designer and illustrator Manuja Waldia. About her company, and artwork: "Originally from India, we strive to create objects of art to decorate and delight, while celebrating our roots from the Indian subcontinent. My pieces are about finding self love and appreciation of identity by people of color. It's of utmost importance to find pride in one's roots, especially in the current political climate."
Image courtesy of artist.
Waldia & Co. is one of the participating artists for the Fierce Tidings art exhibition (March 31 - July 15) at the Gene Siskel Film Center in conjunction with the FAAIM 22nd Annual Asian American Showcase which ran March 31st through April 12th, 2017.
"Pizza Coven" by Waldia & Co. (Courtesy of artist.)
From "Self Care" series. (Image courtesy of artist.)
"Tug o' War" by Waldia & Co. (Image courtesy of artist.)
"Empowered Sunset" by Waldia & Co. (Image courtesy of artist.)
See more of Waldia & Co.'s work on https://waldiaandco.com // Instagram @waldiaandco // Join us at the Fierce Tidings art exhibition running Friday, March 31, 2017 - July 15, 2017.