Agnes Ma is a multidisciplinary artist whose prior background in biology is subtly interwoven in her chosen media of sculpture, metalwork, and jewelry. In her everyday life, she observes and collects forms in nature. Through this process, she is better able to appreciate and understand her environment.
Photo courtesy of artist
Agnes is one of the artists in the Journey-scapes art exhibition at the Gene Siskel in conjunction with the FAAIM 21st Annual Asian American Showcase April 1st through 14th, 2016.
Photo courtesy of artist
We sat down with Agnes at her studio in DeKalb to ask her a bit about her work and artistic journey! Check out her video interview below:
Photo courtesy of artist
See more of Agnes Ma’s work on her website // Instagram @i_am_agnesma // Join us at Journey-scapes art exhibition opening Friday, April 1, 2016.